Frank Danks,
Secretary & Founder Member
Frank has lived in Kennett in 1991 since retiring from the Royal Navy where he workded as a Submarine Engineer and then as an Offshore Oil and Gas Consultant.

Susan Meister
Susan moved to Suffolk in 2018 to support family in Great Shelford and Red Lodge. Retired from the Royal Voluntary Service, she has a keen interest in promoting independence for all age groups via schemes that support individuals to acheive their specific goals.
Alison Rich
Alison lives locally, she is a semi-retired using her 30 years’ professional HR experience to support local small & medium businesses and voluntary projects like KCLT to benefit the local community.

Paul Swanson
Trustee & Founder Member
Paul lived in Kennett for 15 years. He runs a landscaping business based here which employs 6 local people. He is married with 2 children who both attend the local school and his parents live in Kennett.

Meet the volunteers who run Kennett Community Land Trust

Lynne M Callum
Trustee & Founder Member
Robin Swanson MBE, Chairman & Founder Member
Robin has lived in Kennett in 2004 and since retiring from the Army has been a Director and Consultant in his own Company.
A word from the Chair:
Robin says "having fought against large developments such as Watermark since moving to the area,
I passionately believe that Kennett Garden Village is the best option for the Village in the current environment."
Tim Foddy
Treasurer & Founder Member
Tim has lived in the village for almost 30 years, coming from a family which earned its living from the land. He worked for 35 years in the Agricultural Seeds and Plant Breeding industry. Tim is determined that the Kennett Garden Village development connects as closely as possible with the Ecology of the local area, as he says "we all must not forget that we share where we live with other living things!".
Peter has lived in the village since 2003. He has now retired but prior to this spent his working life in and around Cambridge.
We are always keen to have new volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a Trustee please drop a line to our Secretary, Frank Danks
Peter Johnson

Lynne lived in Kennett. She has worked in the construction industry and allied trades for many years. Her area of special interests are in self building, energy efficiency of new homes and rainwater harvesting.